lunes, 22 de junio de 2015

Monday 22nd June

Hello class!! How are you? I hope you're ready to have your best summer ever!!

Today I'm writing just to say goodbye and the winner of our Olympic Games... This term the winner is Adrián, but Pablo got just one point less, and Héctor two...  But I think is fair, every term we have had a different winner, so that means you're a great group. Adrián, I hope you enjoy your present.

And class: I really have enjoyed this course, I hope you too. You have learnt a lot and your level is very good; you have behaved nicely almost always and... well, I  have had a very good time with you. I'm going to miss you!! So have a super great holiday and enjoy, promise?

Kiss kiss goodbye!!

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

Monday 15th June

Hello class!! How are you?? I'm sure really ready to be on holiday, aren't you?? I hope you can enjoy a very good summer, we will talk about this next day. And we will know the winner of our Olympic Games.

Last class we recorded a gret video in which we explained everything about our project Food is a Right, We also explained that the money we collected in our Flea Market is going to be donate to Design For Change. I think all of you have done a very good job. Thanks a lot!!

I'm very proud of you, I hope your parents have enjoyed this afternoon meeting.

Don't forget we finish Monday 29th, ok?

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Monday 8th June

Hello class! How are you? I hope fine and getting ready to finish school... Only two weeks and you will be on holiday! It  sounds great, doesn't it?

Well, just some lines to say that last class you took the test of this 3rd term and it seems ok...  I will talk about this and more things next week, when you get your marks.

So, relax and have a nice time.

Be good, have fun, see you i n class.


lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Monday 1st June

Hello boys! How are you? I hope you're really fine, although I guess you're just waiting for your summer holidays!! It's a very short time, just 3 weeks!

Well, so we're finishing too. That's the reason why last class we were revising for our test next Mnday (8th June)

Remember the topics:

  • Body/Senses
  • City/Town/Places
  • The Time/Routines/Actions

The test will have 5 parts:

  1. Listening (10 points)
  2. Voc/Gram (30 points)
  3. Reading (20 points)
  4. Writing (20 points)
  5. Speeaking (20 points)

Also we recorded our video for our Design for Change project... it was great, you did a very good job, I'm very happy. Here you have the first we recorded:

I'm very proud... After our test we will show everybody.

Let's finish with your points:

  1. Player 1: 17
  2. Player 2: 9
  3. Player 3: 10
  4. Player 4: 16
  5. Player 5: 19
  6. Player 6: 20

That's all, boys. Please... REVISE FOR OUR TEST. GOOD LUCK

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

Monday 25th May

Hello class, how are you? I'm sure a bit busy because of your exams at school. Well, it will be just a little effort and you'll see that very soon you're on holiday.

Last class we revised the SEASONS and the MONTHS OF THE YEAR. It's important for  you too check because it can appear in our test. And first, of course, in our homework this week. Remember that you have to write around 45-50 words talking about your favourite month and explaining why; also you'll mention some important event as we saw in class:

  • January: New Year
  • February: Valentine's
  • March: St. Patrick
  • April: Easter
  • May: Mother's Day
  • June: graduation
  • July: holidays
  • August: beach
  • September: school starts
  • October: Halloween
  • November: Thanksgiving
  • December: Christmas

We watched a video that shows these and other special events:

After checking that all of you know how to say important dates, we practised many listening and speaking activities.  I'm happy with your progress.

This week we can go on with out pet project... This week Cris and our Dragon will meet the king Henry VIII a really important figure in England. You will see what an interesting life!! I hope you enjoy.

Let's finish with your points:

  1. Player 1: 18
  2. Player 2: 12
  3. Player 3: 12
  4. Player 4: 16
  5. Player 5: 20
  6. Player 6: 19
  7. Player 7: 15

That's all, kids

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Monday 18th May

Hello little team! How are you? I'm sure you're ok, after a longer weekend, aren't you? Well, that's what I hope!!

Last class we continued with actions and daily routines. There you have some more images apart from the ones we worked with in class. Also we watched some videos related to this topic. Here an example:

After revising voc and speaking about our routine we introduced these two words:

AFTER and BEFORE. And we worked with some examples as these:

  • I wash my hands before lunch
  • I brush my teeth after dinner

And then we worked with some more activities.

The last thing we revised was THE WEEK. Don't forget:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Again... WE DO NOT HAVE OUR PET. so we can't work with our project this week. I hope Lucas you're ok...

HOMEWORK: Activity 6, 7 and 9 in the worksheet I gave you.

Next week we'll have one special class again: we'll mix with other students to learn from them many interesting things about summer and holidays. It will be great!

Let's finish wit your points:

  1. Player 1: 20
  2. Player 2: 16
  3. Player 3: /
  4. Player 4: 19
  5. Player 5: 21
  6. Player 6: 20
  7. Player 7: 17

That's all, kids

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Monday 11th May

Hello dear boys!! How is it going? I hope everything's fine and you're ok... I'm sure you're waiting anxiously to go to the swimming pool, aren't you? Still we have to wait a bit more.

Talking about the time to do things... last class we started a new lesson: THE TIME. I know this is something a bit difficult at the beginning and you forget easily; let's see if after some more practice you can get it right.

We watched a video to understand this better. Here you are to revise:

After watching it we were speaking for a long time... And we learnt to talk about our routines saying actions like these:

  • wake up
  • get up
  • have a shower
  • get dressed
  • have breakfast
  • catch the bus
  • start school
  • finish school
  • have lunch
  • do homework
  • get undressed
  • go to bed

We were using this structure:


This week our Dragon can meet someone famous again... This week is Lucas' time to tell us about a famous person. We will know a lot of interesting things about Barack Obama, the current president of the United States. I hope you show us an original job!

Let's finish wit your points:

  1. Player 1: 23
  2. Player 2: 15
  3. Player 3: 19
  4. Player 4: 20
  5. Player 5: 23
  6. Player 6: 23
  7. Player 7: 21

That's all, kids

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Monday 4th May


Hello boys! How are you? I hope you're ok after this long weekend; I hope you enjoyed and had lots of fun.

Last class we revised voc we learnt with the Quiz about places with sentences like these:

  • If you want to borrow a book, you must go to the: a) bookstore; b) library; c) museum
  • To see domestic animals, go to the: a) supermarket; b) farm; c) zoo
  • To get your hair cut, go to the: a) hospital; b) hairdresser; c) bakery

Also we practised voc and pronunciation with reading activities and this funny song:

Don't forget you have homework. Read and complete the worksheet I gave you, ok?

And this week, again, someone forgot the Dragon... it means that we won't learn interesting things about the famous person this week, who was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the most famous detective in the world, Sherlock Holmes.  Let's see next week...

Well... now to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 15
  3. Player 3: 15
  4. Player 4: 23
  5. Player 5: 25
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 23

That's all.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Monday 27th April

Hi class! How is it going? Ready to finish this "short" week, right? I'm sure. And you have very easy homework that I'm sure you will complete perfectly!

Last class we had lots of fun. You behaved nicely and we could play games  After checking your homework (well done!) we were revising  voc and prepositions that we learnt last week. You produced sentences like these:

  • The hospital is behind the supermarket.
  • The library is next to the park.
  • The school is opposite the station.
  • The toy shop is near the sport centre.

Then we introduced this structure:


It will be clearer with the video we watched (now in a very big screen!!) Here you are to practise:

Let's see next day how many sentences you remember, ok?

Again we can continue with our project... Now it's Pablo's time to meet a really famous person... she's probably one of the best known woman of all the times. Elizabeth I. You'll be surprised by her power, you'll see next week.

And now to finish....... your points!!

  1. Player 1: 44
  2. Player 2: 38
  3. Player 3: 32
  4. Player 4: 39
  5. Player 5: 44
  6. Player 6: 44
  7. Player 7: 41

That's all.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Monday 20th April

Hello everybody!! How are you? I hope you're fine and healthy... and happy; last class we started a new lesson: THE CITY.

First of all we distinguished these words:

  • TOWN
  • CITY

I admit you knew a lot of things!! Very good. We worked with flashcards and you were able to remember many things. I'm very happy. Even you behaved really nicely, so we could play with our city cards. I hope you had fun.

Also we revised some prepositions:

  • near
  • in front of
  • behind
  • opposite
  • next to
  • in
  • under
  • between

and we could describe places in town and where they are. To help in this task we watched this video:

You completed many activities related to the city, but what I really liked was that you knew (or remembered) a lot of words and that you were able to express many ideas, using prepositions. Good speaking activity!

What I didn't like was that Adrian forgot the Dragon, and that means that next week we won't know about any famous person... what a pity. Let's see next one!

I think that's  all. Now your points:

  1. Player 1: 46
  2. Player 2: 34
  3. Player 3: 35
  4. Player 4: 39
  5. Player 5: 36
  6. Player 6: 37
  7. Player 7: 37

Please: Don't forget your homework. Do everything you have to do and try not to skip any!! ok?

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Monday 13th April

Hello class!! How are you? I hope you're fine after the weekend and with lots of energy to go on working!!

Last class we were working with THE FIVE SENSES. I have to admit that you did a very good job, I'm very happy! You also brought very good homework and you got many points. Along with the senses we revised the verb CAN, although you knew perfectly well. I can't believe it!!

We worked with more difficult worksheets that others you had completed before, so I'm very proud. We saw things like these:

  • I CAN SMELL with my nose
  • I CAN SEE with my eyes
  • I CAN TASTE with my tongue
  • I CAN HEAR  with my ears
  • I CAN TOUCH with my hands

We revised adjectives as well:
  • sweet
  • sour
  • awful
  • modern
  • elegant
  • loud
  • rough
  • amazing
  • terrible
and some more.

We also listened to some songs and we watched a video which explains about  the five senses. Here you are to watch again:

I have to say that you  did a really good job with our new project!! I'm very very happy. Last class we knew many interesting things about A. G. Bell and we saw a very original photograph! Next week we will know about Neil Armtrong, the first man who stepped on the Moon..... Adrian, do your best! I can't wait to see your job!

Remember to do your homework:complete the worksheet I gave you about the senses too finish this topic about the body. Don't forget, please, ok?

And let's say your points:

  1. Player 1: 27
  2. Player 2: 25
  3. Player 3: 25
  4. Player 4: 28
  5. Player 5: 29
  6. Player 6: 29
  7. Player 7: 27

That's all class. I hope you enjoy this week!

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Monday 6th April

Hello class! How are you after these days of holiday? I hope you have rested and you have had lots of fun; now it's time to work a bit hard to get good results in the last term, ok? Are you ready?

In our first class we continued working with the parts of the body, first of all to check what you remembered after the holidays. After the warming up session we completed some listening activities what you did very well, and we continued speaking, describing our classmates while pointing and saying the parts of the body.

In the second part of the class we did some crafts and got a great face!! Also we were watching a video to know more about our body. Here you have another one to go on learning. I hope you like it!

As I told you last class this term we have a new project with our Dragon Pet. We are going to know lots of new things related to famous people! But important people in History; so you will have to look for some relevant information to write down in the worksheet I'll give you and then, you will add a photograph in which we could see the Dragon with you and something related to the person described.

As I explained in class, if that person is an inventor you can use his/her main invention to show in the photograph; if he or she is an explorer, you can show in a map the place he or she discover... or you can take a photo of the Dragon in disguise as you did for Halloween or Carnival... so you can be really creative!! Use your knowledge and your imagination and do your best, ok?

This week Alejandro will teach us about  Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. I'm really looking forward to hearing from your job!

And now to finish here you have your first points of the last term!!

  1. Player 1: 28
  2. Player 2: 26
  3. Player 3: 27
  4. Player 4: 27
  5. Player 5: 30
  6. Player 6: 30
  7. Player 7: 26

That's all class

Be good, have fun,see you in class!!

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Monday 23rd March

Hello class!! How are you? We are on holiday!! I hope you have  a great time these days and you can rest and have fun and come again with lots of energy to face the last term. You deserve this week since we have worked hard these months.

Last class was very funny, we had a great flea market full of things and people and we got lots of money... unbelievable!! I hope you enjoyed as I did.

The first part of the class we were commenting on your marks and your plans for holidays; after that we were deciding the price for all the things you brought and we made some very nice labels. Also we were revising some songs we listened to during these months and we had a lot of fun.

Then we had our market. Very successful! I'm very happy with your job.

And to finish you had your marks and this time Hector got the beautiful mug, now you can have breakfast with our Pet, great!!

That's all, class. I hope you had a really good time this week.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!! (6th April)


lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Monday 16th March

Hello class! How are you? I hope you're fine, now that you're finishing school days and holidays are very very near... In a couple of weeks we can rest for some days and will come with lots of energy.

Last class you took a test just for me to know how well you did these months. Next day you will know your results with your marks (second term marks)

Also you learnt about St Patrick's Day. We watched a video about the story of this celebration and we learnt words like these:

  • Ireland
  • Leprechaun
  • Pot of gold
  • Rainbow
  • Shamrock
  • Harp

We were listening to some songs too. Here you have one you liked:

By the end of the class er were talking about this for a while and we coloured some pictures. I hope you enjoyed as I did!

Alejandro, don't forget to bring our Dragon's profile next day, ok? It will be the last of the term, and then, after Easter we will have new projects. I'm really looking forward to hearing from these new activities!!

Please,have a look to the handout I gave you about our FLEA MARKETnext week. You can bring all the things you don't need or you don't want to use anymore. I hope you and your families have a good time.

And remember to bring some  food to collect, as we have asked! (1kilo of help, remember our project!)

And now to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 20
  2. Player 2: 20
  3. Player 3: 20
  4. Player 4: 20
  5. Player 5: 22
  6. Player 6: 23
  7. Player 7: 22

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

Monday 9th March

Hello class! How are you? I'm sure you're a bit tired after these days of hard work at school... Well, very soon we are enjoying a week of holidays and we can rest.

Last class we started a new lesson MY BODY. I'm glad you knew a lot of words and you did a very good job when pointing and describing your bodies. Also we were listening to one of your favourite songs "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" and you enjoyed a lot.

In the second part of the class we were finishing some crafts for our project FOOD IS A RIGHT, and I hope in two weeks we can have that box full of food for the ones who need. I'm very happy with this  because in the end it was your idea... Ok. We will finish next week.

Also these days we are going to describe our Dragon giving its profile by saying some things about him. And don't forget to add a picture!! This time Cris is presenting our Pet's profile. For the next term we will work with some dofferent projects, ok?

Well, don't forget to bring your homework. As I know these days you're tired this  week is very very easy, ok? But complete and bring it with you. Just a wordsearch to revise the vocabulary we learnt.

And to finish your points:

  1. Player 1: 30
  2. Player 2: 25
  3. Player 3: 27
  4. Player 4: 27
  5. Player 5: 30
  6. Player 6: 30
  7. Player 7: /
That's all.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!


lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Monday 2nd March

Hello boys! How's it going? I know you're a bit tired because you have to study these days in order to get good marks in your school exams; but with a little effort I'm sure you'll get your best. I hope you do a very good job at school and I wish you lots of luck.

Last class we finished this topic revising voc related to the parts of the house and furniture. We practised a lot of listening activities and at the same time we reviewed prepositions:

  • in
  • on
  • under
  • next to
  • between

Also we practised reading and speaking activities. We revised again THERE IS/THERE ARE... revise a bit more, ok? And we listened to some songs. As I said this is the end of this topic. You did a very good job; I'm very happy! Next week we will start a new one.

And also this is the end of our Pet's travels. Next week we will know alot of interesting things about the USA thanks to Lucas, I trust you, ok? And again I have to remind you to do your homework. You have to complete the worksheet I gave you in class in order to revise all the vocabulary we have worked with these days.

Here you have the song we listened

And to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 17
  3. Player 3: 20
  4. Player 4: 22
  5. Player 5: 25
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 22

It would be nice if next day yuou behave better. I explained the homework and you didn't pay attention... so I hope you can do it right.

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Monday 23rd February

Hello class!! How are you? Well, I hope you're fine; I'm fine, too and happy because we have revised our new lesson. This week we repeated THERE IS/THERE ARE. We practised the parts of the house again and we reviewed  words related to furniture as these

  • bed
  • cupboard
  • table
  • chair
  • sofa
  • armchair

Please, I must insist: study the structure THERE IS / THERE ARE. You still forget how to say the number of things we can find or we have. Revise and practise a little more,ok?

Then we practised listening and speaking; it was ok, but still you have to improve  a bit with your words, right?. We practise this voc:

  1. Bedroom
  2. Living room
  3. Bathroom
  4. Kitchen
  5. Dining room
  6. Garden
  7. Garage

Then, in the second part of the class we continued with our project and we made some crafts with our ideas... aldo we took some photos and had lots of fun. You did a very good job!

And going on with the adventures of our Dragon, next week we will know more things about France thanks to Jorge, who will show us very interesting information, right? Do your best!

And, again: your homework. Don't forget to bring the worksheet I gave you last class. It's very easy and it will serve to revise the structure of the question we practised: WHERE DO YOU SLEEP? WHERE DO YOU PLAY?... and so on.

Let's finish with your points:

  1. Player 1: 33
  2. Player 2: 25
  3. Player 3: 32
  4. Player 4: 32
  5. Player 5: 33
  6. Player 6: 33
  7. Player 7: 31

Be good,, have fun, see you in class

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

Monday 16th February

Hello class!! How are you? Well, I hope you're fine; I'm fine too. Happy because we have started a new lesson. This week we have started talking about the HOUSE. We revised the parts of the house and we learnt new words related to furniture.
  •  sofa
  • desk
  • bed
  • bath
  • armchair
  • clock
  • phone
And some others. Also we checked your HW. In general you have done a very good job, and that makes me happy; however some of you  didn't show me a finished work, and I don't know why. I hope it doesn't happen again.

Then we practise listening and speaking; it was ok, but still you have to improve  a bit with your words, right?. We practise this voc:

  1. Bedroom
  2. Living room
  3. Bathroom
  4. Kitchen
  5. Dining room
  6. Garden
  7. Garage

And we reviewed the structure

  • Is room A the living room?
  • Yes, it is
  • No, it isn't. It's the kitchen

We will continue with prepositions, the parts of the house and voc related to furniture. And also with THERE IS/THERE ARE

Remember to continue with our project about the Dragon's travels around  the world. Next Monday we will learn more things about Germany thanks to Cris. I know you'll do your best. And of course, your homework. Please, complete the worksheet I gave you. Write the questions and answers and then complete the wordsearch, ok?

And to finish, here you have your points:
  1. Player 1: 30
  2. Player 2: 25
  3. Player 3: 27
  4. Player 4: 28
  5. Player 5: 30
  6. Player 6: 30
  7. Player 7: 22

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Monday 9th February

Hello class! How are you? Last day all of you looked fine and healthy... very good thing taking into account the freezing cold we're having these days...

Last class was really funny! After checking your homework we knew more things about the Dragon's visit to Spain. It was very well done, I really enjoyed this presentation. Next week we will know about Mexico, thanks to Alejandro. I'm looking forward to hearing about it.

Then we went to our first topic CARNIVAL and we made some crafts, listened to songs and you told me about your school carnival. I hope you have lots of fun.

The second part of the class we mixed up with other students as we did for Halloween; this time we took advantage of next Saturday celebration: VALENTINE'S Day. You were doing activities and crafts and you learnt lots of things as new voc and symbols and traditions. It was great. I hope you enjoyed.

And please: don't forget to bring your homework. Complete the worksheet about Carnival I gave you in class, ok? Do it, it's very easy.

Here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 20
  2. Player 2: 20
  3. Player 3: 26
  4. Player 4: 26
  5. Player 5: 28
  6. Player 6: 27
  7. Player 7: 27

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

Have a nice Carnival and a Happy Valentine

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

Monday 2nd February

Hello kids! How are you? I hope you're fine although some of you have been ill these days. You have visited the doctor and you have rested for a while, so I really hope you are ok now.  And... try to sleep well during the weekend... last class you were a bit tired.

Last class we did many many things. First of all we revised the new voc learned  in our previous session as:

  • classroom
  • teacher
  • book
  • board
  • pencil
  • glue
  • scissors
  • crayon
and some others. Very well done!

Also we completed listening activities at the time we introduced the  English possessive adjectives; we listened to things like this:
  • her hat
  • our bikes
  • their dog
  • my window
after some more activities you will know perfectly! You'll see; and also we were practising  with: 

Please, have a look in case you don't understand, ok?

Remember to complete the worksheet I gave you for homework. You have to write sentences telling me about your school day, saying the things you do and the time, too, ok? as  the examples we saw in class

  • I start school at nine o'clock
  • I finish school at two o'clock
  • I have a shower at quarter past seven
  • I have dinner at half past nine
And as many as you can.

Now to finish your points:

  1. Player 1: /
  2. Player 2: 16
  3. Player 3: 21
  4. Player 4: 23
  5. Player 5: 22
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 23
That's all. As Pablo was ill and couldn't come to class this week we had no Dragon... next week, ok?

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Monday 26th January

Hello boys! How are you? I'm sure you're fine after the weekend, in the end the weather was not so horrible so I think you could go out to play, right? Maybe you're still a bit tired because of school... Mondays are hard, aren't they?

That is our new topic. Last class we started a new lesson. This is school, and we started revising some vocabulary as pencil, board, school bag, notebook, pencil sharpener, crayon... and some more. Then we completed some listening activities and at the same time we reviewed colours, letters, and numbers. Your reading activities were also well done. And even you behaved very good. so we played with new cards and  listened to this funny song:

I hope you can listen to this song at home, this way next week we can continue singing!!

Now let's talk about your homework. Last class everything was very good, I'm very happy!! So let's see if next day it's so good again. You just have to complete the worksheet I gave you about school, ok? And going on with our Pet's adventures, next day we will know (more) about Spain thanks to Pablo, who is taking the Dragon. Please, do your best and enjoy and have fun!!

To finish your points:

  1. Player 1: 46
  2. Player 2: /
  3. Player 3: 49
  4. Player 4: 51
  5. Player 5: 43
  6. Player 6: 43
  7. Player 7: 43
That's all class.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!


lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Monday 19th January

Hello class! How are you? I hope fine after just a week of class.

Last Monday we were working with animals to finish the topic. It was very funny to describe lots of animals and you did very well, choosing the most difficult animals to guess!! I'm very happy with your work. We revised the structure 's by listening the song "The Mixd Up Monster". Also we revised the structure of questions: Has it got, feathers?, ... a beak? ... wings? ... a shell?... and so on.

I'm happy with your job because last class we practised lots of things, especially speaking. And even you behaved  right! At least most of thte time...

Also I'm very very pleased with Hector's job/project about the Dragon around the world. It was exactly what I wanted and to be the first, it's perfect. Congratulations! Next week it's Adrian's turn... we will know about China. It sounds great!

And to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 28
  2. Player 2: 23
  3. Player 3: 26
  4. Player 4: 26
  5. Player 5: 29
  6. Player 6: 22
That's all. Don't forget your homework: you have to complete the worksheet I gave you about dolphins and other questions. Do your best!

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!


lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Monday 12th January

Hello class! First of all Happy New Year! and welcome to the second term of our course. I hope you have enjoyed these weeks of holidays and you're ready to work hard, ok?

Well, this week we have started with a new lesson, although we started talking about animals by the end of the first term now we have introduced more voc related to animal body parts. We practiced describing animals and you did very well using all the new words. Also we revised HAS GOT in order to describe all their parts. I'm very happy with your work.

We listened to some songs too, and we revised more names of animals: farm, jungle, forest, pets... You did a very good job!

I hope you enjoy the song; next day you'll get the lyrics, right?

Remember to complete the worksheet I gave you about Kangaroos, don't forget because it's homework!!

And Hector: You have to complete this little project we presented in class about the Dragon around the world saying interesting things about the country you chose, ok? I'm sure you'll do your best.

To finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 32
  2. Player 2: 26
  3. Player 3: 32
  4. Player 4: 29
  5. Player 5: 34
  6. Player 6: 33
  7. Player 7: 26

That's all kids!

Be good, have fun, see you in class!