lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Monday 20th April

Hello everybody!! How are you? I hope you're fine and healthy... and happy; last class we started a new lesson: THE CITY.

First of all we distinguished these words:

  • TOWN
  • CITY

I admit you knew a lot of things!! Very good. We worked with flashcards and you were able to remember many things. I'm very happy. Even you behaved really nicely, so we could play with our city cards. I hope you had fun.

Also we revised some prepositions:

  • near
  • in front of
  • behind
  • opposite
  • next to
  • in
  • under
  • between

and we could describe places in town and where they are. To help in this task we watched this video:

You completed many activities related to the city, but what I really liked was that you knew (or remembered) a lot of words and that you were able to express many ideas, using prepositions. Good speaking activity!

What I didn't like was that Adrian forgot the Dragon, and that means that next week we won't know about any famous person... what a pity. Let's see next one!

I think that's  all. Now your points:

  1. Player 1: 46
  2. Player 2: 34
  3. Player 3: 35
  4. Player 4: 39
  5. Player 5: 36
  6. Player 6: 37
  7. Player 7: 37

Please: Don't forget your homework. Do everything you have to do and try not to skip any!! ok?

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

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