lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Monday 2nd March

Hello boys! How's it going? I know you're a bit tired because you have to study these days in order to get good marks in your school exams; but with a little effort I'm sure you'll get your best. I hope you do a very good job at school and I wish you lots of luck.

Last class we finished this topic revising voc related to the parts of the house and furniture. We practised a lot of listening activities and at the same time we reviewed prepositions:

  • in
  • on
  • under
  • next to
  • between

Also we practised reading and speaking activities. We revised again THERE IS/THERE ARE... revise a bit more, ok? And we listened to some songs. As I said this is the end of this topic. You did a very good job; I'm very happy! Next week we will start a new one.

And also this is the end of our Pet's travels. Next week we will know alot of interesting things about the USA thanks to Lucas, I trust you, ok? And again I have to remind you to do your homework. You have to complete the worksheet I gave you in class in order to revise all the vocabulary we have worked with these days.

Here you have the song we listened

And to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 17
  3. Player 3: 20
  4. Player 4: 22
  5. Player 5: 25
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 22

It would be nice if next day yuou behave better. I explained the homework and you didn't pay attention... so I hope you can do it right.

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