jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014

Monday 15th December

Hello class!! How are you? Ready for Christmas?? I'm sure you are after these months working so hard!! I hope you spend a really good time with family and friends and enjoy these special celebrations.

Last class we had a good time; we made some crafts, we took some photographs and we sang and dance a very nice Christmas carol. I'm really proud; you did very very well.

Then you received your marks and we knew who was the winner of our Olimpic Games: This tern the winner is Pablo... but Adrian was only 3 points less... The second term is looking interesting!

And to finish here you have this special gift. I hope you like.

And that's all this term... I really wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy happy 2015

Be good, have fun, see you in class... next year!!!

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Monday 1st December

Hello boys!! How are you? Well, I hope you're fine after the weekend... although still I miss lots of stories. Very few lines written, except one or two students, the rest, please: don't forget to bring your stories and pictures in two weeks; remember that next Monday 8th we don't have class, so you have time enough to finish. Time is running out, tic-toc, tic-toc...

Last class we first checked your stories; you have to finish. Then we practised HAVE GOT...again. You have to review a bit more, especially when using the short forms; here you have to revise

Then we practise listening and speaking and it was better, but you have to improve still a bit with your worksheets, right?. We practise this voc

  1. Plane
  2. Ball
  3. Teddy
  4. Lion
  5. Monkey
  6. Cat
  7. Dog
  8. Fish

We reviewed the structure


We will continue with animals, numbers, colours, and especially with HAVE/HAS GOT

Remember to continue with your stories; write some more lines and add pictures to make the stories more beautiful. And you, Hector, bring the interview with the Dragon and don't forget to add a picture or photograph. Remember you have to interview the Dragon, so you can invent the answers or ask someone for help.

And to finish, here you have your points:
  1. Player 1: 35
  2. Player 2: 28
  3. Player 3: 25
  4. Player 4: 30
  5. Player 5: 35
  6. Player 6: 36
  7. Player 7: 18

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Monday 24th November

Hello  class!! How are you? I hope you're enjoying the video we saw in class and wanting to know more and more Thanksgiving. I told you the story of History in class, and we listened to some songs and learnt lots of vocabuary related to this celebration, as MEAL, FEAST, PILGRIMS, PUMPKIN PIE, ROAST TURKEY, etc. I hope you enjoyed learning about this.

Before we checked your stories/pictures for our project; very good, but you have to continue, because some of you didn't write many lines, right? But it's ok; next day please, bring some more lines and pictures.

Then we revised IS/ARE THERE..... + PREPOSITION. This activity was very good because still you remembered many of the prepositions you learnt last couse. Congratulations, class!!!. But just in case... here you have the ones we worked with:

  • OVER
  • IN
  • ON
Please, for homework revise these prepositions and the structure IS/ARE THERE___________? And you Alejandro, complete the Interview with the Dragon and show  to the class next day, ok? Don't forget to add a photo!!

And just to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 32
  2. Player 2: 16
  3. Player 3: 23
  4. Player 4: 30
  5. Player 5: 33
  6. Player 6: 32
  7. Player 7: 17
Be good, have fun, see you in class!!


lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Monday 17th November

Hello boys, how are you? Well, I'm fine, I hope you're fine too. Last week we listened to this song but I didn't upload here. Now here you are and I hope you enjoy listening to it as many times as you want. This way you will practise the question HOW MANY _____________? as we have been doing these days.

Also we completed some worksheets to finish this structure. Last day we practised the short forms ISN'T AREN'T; it's right but we will do some more activities. You can say sntences very well and you can count things to say the number . But when writing you still have some difficulties. Try to revise at home.

Last class we were listening to the story severl times to practise your comprehension when reading. At last you did a very good job. I'm satisfied. Yoy paid a lot of attention to get good marks!. That's ok.

And its time to talk about our project. You will write (little by little) som stories with our Dragon as the main star, ok? We will do part of this project in class to make things easier, ok? So try to organize your ideas and start writing some lines of your stories. Also you will include some pictures or photographs. We have to take this serously because if one doesn't everything will go wrong, ok? I hope I can trust you.

And Jorge, our Dragon Pet is with you this week. I hope you have fun and don't forget to show and tell us about these days, all right?

And now to conclude here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 38
  2. Player 2: 22
  3. Player 3: 28
  4. Player 4: 26
  5. Player 5: 35
  6. Player 6: 33
  7. Player 7: 20
That's all.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!


martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Monday 10th November

Hello class, how's it going? Well, I hope you're fine and revising what we learnt last lesson. We were working again with THERE IS / THERE ARE  but still we have to continue practising. Fortunately last class was better than the previous one.

We had speaking activities with the structure mentioned above. We were asking HOW MANY... ARE THERE? and giving answers, you showed a little improvement at least. Still I have to remind you that this is not the playground and that you come here to learn, ok? Don't forget.

We listened to a story to introduce new characters. I asked you to listen to it again but I cannot upload the story, I don't know why.Well, don't worry because next week I will give you the written text and we will answer some questions.

Remember to complete the worksheet I gave you because it's homework to review THERE IS/ISN'T, THERE ARE / THERE AREN'T, IS THERE...? / ARE THERE...? And you Hector bring some pictures of you with the Dragon and get ready  to explain to the class next day, ok?

To finish, here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 24
  2. Player 2: 22
  3. Player 3: 10
  4. Player 4: 21
  5. Player 5: 24
  6. Player 6: 24
  7. Player 7: 19
Be good, have fun, see you in class!


martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Monday 3rd November

Hello kids, how are you? I hope that you're fine and relaxed, not like in our last class, you behaved horribly, well, not everybody but most of you, and that makes me angry... and if I'm angry you play less games, as you know. I hope this can be the last  time I have to write these comments, ok?

In out last meeting we started learning this new structure THERE IS/THERE ARE. We will work more on this topic because it seemed a bit difficult. Anyway, your activities were right and you understood the songs we listened to. Also the numbers. We were revising numbers 1-20, and it's true you're able to say and pronounce, but still you have to write a bit better. However that's not so important.

During the second part of the class we continued with the structure mentioned above but practising the short forms: THERE'S... next day we'll see the negative. We introduced the question HOW MANY_____________ ARE THERE? as well with some pictures and speaking activities. Try to practice at home repeating the question and counting things, ok? It would be nice. That, apart from your homework. You have to complete activity 4, counting the animals appearing in the picture and answering the question How many...?. And you Adrian remember to prepare your collage with some pictures of you and our Dragon doing "your things", ok? Don't forget!

Let's go with your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 15
  3. Player 3: 0
  4. Player 4: 20
  5. Player 5: 24
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 15
That's all. Please, revise everything we learn class after class. You'll get better results. And if there's something that you don't understand ask me, here I am, ok?

Be good, have fun, see you in class.


lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Monday 27th October

Hello class!! How are you? I hope you're happy after the new experience of the day...

In our last class first we checked your homework, I must admit that you did a very good job. It seems that all the practice we have made has its result, I mean, you seem to understand quite well the verb HAVE GOT and when we use it.

Then we were revising some vocabulary related to Halloween and listened to some songs. Also we watched a couple of short videos as a way to warm up what came after. Here you have one of them. Enjoy it and sing with your family!

After the break we mixed with some other students who had prepared some activities for you. They showed you some vocabulary, you coloured a Halloween poster and youu played the hangman with more Halloween words. You did very well!. I hope you have enjoyed this experience in order to repeat after some weeks, of course with a different topic.

Let's say now your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 23
  3. Player 3: 24
  4. Player 4: 25
  5. Player 5: 25
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 23

Remember that for next day you have to finish the sentences you have in the worksheet I gave you; so please, don't forget to tranlate the other 6 short sentences, all right?

Be good (and a bit naughty, it's Halloween!) have fun, see you in class!

Bye, Bye

martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

Monday, 20th, October

Hello class! How are you? I'm sure really fine after the weekend, that's right? Well, if you have time I'd like you to watch this video. It's the song we listened to last class. Do you remember? It's about pets (we will work with that topic after Halloween) and "have got"

Last class we worked with the verb HAVE GOT and we practised the short forms with some examples and activities. Most of you did a great job. I have to say that you must speak English more often, ok? I'm going to start giving extra poits if you use English. And as I promised I put those posters to make things easier when asking simple questions. So now it's your turn!

We were listening to some songs focusing on the use of "Have got" and started describing people. That was ok.

For next week you will work with the worksheet I gave you in order to practise a bit more this verb and new voc. Don't forget because this is homework. Lucas, as you got the Dragon, you will bring the frame with a picture and you will explain the things you do with the pet (as your classmates did)

And now let's say your points

  1. Player 1: 27
  2. Player 2: 19
  3. Player 3: 15
  4. Player 4: 22
  5. Player 5: 30
  6. Player 6: 28
  7. Player 7: 20
Be good, have fun, see you in class.


martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Monday 13th October

Hello class! How are you? I'm sure very well after the weekend. At least last class was very good thanks to your behaviour; you behaved much better than last week. We were listening to everybody's presentation of your family, you did very well and you showed me very original Family Trees. I really enjoyed with this because you did a very good job.

We introduced more words related to family: grandson, granddaughter, grandparents... and the listening activities with these new words were ok. We listened to some songs too, as we did last week.

And finally we were  playing with our new cards and had lots of fun. By  the way, let's say your points:

  1. Player 1: 38
  2. Player 2: 30
  3. Player 3: / (missing)
  4. Player 4: 31
  5. Player 5: 34
  6. Player 6: 32
  7. Player 7: 31
Remember that you have homework. You will complete the worksheet I gave you by pasting a photo of you with your family. You can bring whatever photo, with your parents, with your cousins, grandparents... but you have to explain who is in the photo with you next day, ok? And Cris, you have to show a photograph with you and our Dragon,right? And you'll explain what you are doing.

Be good, have fun,see you in class!


lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Monday 6th October

Hello class! How are you? I hope a bit more relaxed than the second part of our last class... you were a bit naughty, but, well, in the end it was ok. You brought your homework (very well done) and the part of speaking was really nice.

We were revising some questions as "What's your name?" "How are you?" "How old are you?" and you're improving, you did a very good job! The listening part was very good, too.

Then we started talking about the family. We practised speaking and you completed the worksheet. And we also met the pet. The Dragon. Who is going to spend a week with one of you. Remember  (Pablo) that you have to take care of him, and take some photographs whenever possible.

We listened to some songs and saw some videos related to the family vocabulary. We saw an example of a family tree as well. Here you have

Remember that you have to create your own Family Tree. That's homework, ok? Try to be original and creative, and next Monday you'll show your work.

And now let's say your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 12
  3. Player 3: 24
  4. Player 4: 25
  5. Player 5: 25
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 23
So, please, don't forget to bring your homework, You'll show your family trees to the class and you'll get points, ook?

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!


martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Monday 29th September

Hello class!! How are you? I hope you're fine and revising the alphabet... Last class you didn't do very well at the beginning, so, if it is still a bit difficult try to revise through singing the song and next day you'll do better.

Last class we were revising again the alphabet... but as we have a new student let's give another chance, right? But for next day you must know the alphabet better. We were singing the song again and played some games related to sounds.

The second part of the class was used to work with some handouts revising frequent questions as "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "What's  your favourite ...?" We have to work a bit harder, ok?

Let's say now your points:

  1. Player 1: 8
  2. Player 2: 7
  3. Player 3: 7
  4. Player 4: 8
  5. Player 5: 13
  6. Player 6: 12
  7. Player 7: 10
So, remember: you have homework. You have to learn the alphabet and please, write a word with every letter. Do your homework this time, ok?

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!


martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Monday 22nd

Hello class! Here we are after a long, long summer holiday. I hope you have enjoyed this time but now we must be ready to work.

In our first class you told me about your holidays, and you asked and answered some questions. Also we revised the alphabet (with music ans songs, even mixed versions!!) and said a lot of words beginning with all the letters. You did very well.

The second part of the class was used to work harder with the letters and you solved the secret codes you were working with. Finally we played with our alphabet cards and had lots of fun.

Let's say your points after the first day

  1. Player 1: 19
  2. Player 2: 16
  3. Player 3: 17
  4. Player 4: 15
  5. Player 5: 15
  6. Player 6: 16
REMEMBER: you have homework. For next Monday you have to know the alphabet and say a word with allthe letters. Practice these day and you'll do very well.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!
