martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Monday 10th November

Hello class, how's it going? Well, I hope you're fine and revising what we learnt last lesson. We were working again with THERE IS / THERE ARE  but still we have to continue practising. Fortunately last class was better than the previous one.

We had speaking activities with the structure mentioned above. We were asking HOW MANY... ARE THERE? and giving answers, you showed a little improvement at least. Still I have to remind you that this is not the playground and that you come here to learn, ok? Don't forget.

We listened to a story to introduce new characters. I asked you to listen to it again but I cannot upload the story, I don't know why.Well, don't worry because next week I will give you the written text and we will answer some questions.

Remember to complete the worksheet I gave you because it's homework to review THERE IS/ISN'T, THERE ARE / THERE AREN'T, IS THERE...? / ARE THERE...? And you Hector bring some pictures of you with the Dragon and get ready  to explain to the class next day, ok?

To finish, here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 24
  2. Player 2: 22
  3. Player 3: 10
  4. Player 4: 21
  5. Player 5: 24
  6. Player 6: 24
  7. Player 7: 19
Be good, have fun, see you in class!


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