martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Monday 3rd November

Hello kids, how are you? I hope that you're fine and relaxed, not like in our last class, you behaved horribly, well, not everybody but most of you, and that makes me angry... and if I'm angry you play less games, as you know. I hope this can be the last  time I have to write these comments, ok?

In out last meeting we started learning this new structure THERE IS/THERE ARE. We will work more on this topic because it seemed a bit difficult. Anyway, your activities were right and you understood the songs we listened to. Also the numbers. We were revising numbers 1-20, and it's true you're able to say and pronounce, but still you have to write a bit better. However that's not so important.

During the second part of the class we continued with the structure mentioned above but practising the short forms: THERE'S... next day we'll see the negative. We introduced the question HOW MANY_____________ ARE THERE? as well with some pictures and speaking activities. Try to practice at home repeating the question and counting things, ok? It would be nice. That, apart from your homework. You have to complete activity 4, counting the animals appearing in the picture and answering the question How many...?. And you Adrian remember to prepare your collage with some pictures of you and our Dragon doing "your things", ok? Don't forget!

Let's go with your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 15
  3. Player 3: 0
  4. Player 4: 20
  5. Player 5: 24
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 15
That's all. Please, revise everything we learn class after class. You'll get better results. And if there's something that you don't understand ask me, here I am, ok?

Be good, have fun, see you in class.


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