martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

Monday, 20th, October

Hello class! How are you? I'm sure really fine after the weekend, that's right? Well, if you have time I'd like you to watch this video. It's the song we listened to last class. Do you remember? It's about pets (we will work with that topic after Halloween) and "have got"

Last class we worked with the verb HAVE GOT and we practised the short forms with some examples and activities. Most of you did a great job. I have to say that you must speak English more often, ok? I'm going to start giving extra poits if you use English. And as I promised I put those posters to make things easier when asking simple questions. So now it's your turn!

We were listening to some songs focusing on the use of "Have got" and started describing people. That was ok.

For next week you will work with the worksheet I gave you in order to practise a bit more this verb and new voc. Don't forget because this is homework. Lucas, as you got the Dragon, you will bring the frame with a picture and you will explain the things you do with the pet (as your classmates did)

And now let's say your points

  1. Player 1: 27
  2. Player 2: 19
  3. Player 3: 15
  4. Player 4: 22
  5. Player 5: 30
  6. Player 6: 28
  7. Player 7: 20
Be good, have fun, see you in class.


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