lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

Monday 25th May

Hello class, how are you? I'm sure a bit busy because of your exams at school. Well, it will be just a little effort and you'll see that very soon you're on holiday.

Last class we revised the SEASONS and the MONTHS OF THE YEAR. It's important for  you too check because it can appear in our test. And first, of course, in our homework this week. Remember that you have to write around 45-50 words talking about your favourite month and explaining why; also you'll mention some important event as we saw in class:

  • January: New Year
  • February: Valentine's
  • March: St. Patrick
  • April: Easter
  • May: Mother's Day
  • June: graduation
  • July: holidays
  • August: beach
  • September: school starts
  • October: Halloween
  • November: Thanksgiving
  • December: Christmas

We watched a video that shows these and other special events:

After checking that all of you know how to say important dates, we practised many listening and speaking activities.  I'm happy with your progress.

This week we can go on with out pet project... This week Cris and our Dragon will meet the king Henry VIII a really important figure in England. You will see what an interesting life!! I hope you enjoy.

Let's finish with your points:

  1. Player 1: 18
  2. Player 2: 12
  3. Player 3: 12
  4. Player 4: 16
  5. Player 5: 20
  6. Player 6: 19
  7. Player 7: 15

That's all, kids

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Monday 18th May

Hello little team! How are you? I'm sure you're ok, after a longer weekend, aren't you? Well, that's what I hope!!

Last class we continued with actions and daily routines. There you have some more images apart from the ones we worked with in class. Also we watched some videos related to this topic. Here an example:

After revising voc and speaking about our routine we introduced these two words:

AFTER and BEFORE. And we worked with some examples as these:

  • I wash my hands before lunch
  • I brush my teeth after dinner

And then we worked with some more activities.

The last thing we revised was THE WEEK. Don't forget:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Again... WE DO NOT HAVE OUR PET. so we can't work with our project this week. I hope Lucas you're ok...

HOMEWORK: Activity 6, 7 and 9 in the worksheet I gave you.

Next week we'll have one special class again: we'll mix with other students to learn from them many interesting things about summer and holidays. It will be great!

Let's finish wit your points:

  1. Player 1: 20
  2. Player 2: 16
  3. Player 3: /
  4. Player 4: 19
  5. Player 5: 21
  6. Player 6: 20
  7. Player 7: 17

That's all, kids

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Monday 11th May

Hello dear boys!! How is it going? I hope everything's fine and you're ok... I'm sure you're waiting anxiously to go to the swimming pool, aren't you? Still we have to wait a bit more.

Talking about the time to do things... last class we started a new lesson: THE TIME. I know this is something a bit difficult at the beginning and you forget easily; let's see if after some more practice you can get it right.

We watched a video to understand this better. Here you are to revise:

After watching it we were speaking for a long time... And we learnt to talk about our routines saying actions like these:

  • wake up
  • get up
  • have a shower
  • get dressed
  • have breakfast
  • catch the bus
  • start school
  • finish school
  • have lunch
  • do homework
  • get undressed
  • go to bed

We were using this structure:


This week our Dragon can meet someone famous again... This week is Lucas' time to tell us about a famous person. We will know a lot of interesting things about Barack Obama, the current president of the United States. I hope you show us an original job!

Let's finish wit your points:

  1. Player 1: 23
  2. Player 2: 15
  3. Player 3: 19
  4. Player 4: 20
  5. Player 5: 23
  6. Player 6: 23
  7. Player 7: 21

That's all, kids

Be good, have fun, see you in class!

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Monday 4th May


Hello boys! How are you? I hope you're ok after this long weekend; I hope you enjoyed and had lots of fun.

Last class we revised voc we learnt with the Quiz about places with sentences like these:

  • If you want to borrow a book, you must go to the: a) bookstore; b) library; c) museum
  • To see domestic animals, go to the: a) supermarket; b) farm; c) zoo
  • To get your hair cut, go to the: a) hospital; b) hairdresser; c) bakery

Also we practised voc and pronunciation with reading activities and this funny song:

Don't forget you have homework. Read and complete the worksheet I gave you, ok?

And this week, again, someone forgot the Dragon... it means that we won't learn interesting things about the famous person this week, who was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the most famous detective in the world, Sherlock Holmes.  Let's see next week...

Well... now to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 25
  2. Player 2: 15
  3. Player 3: 15
  4. Player 4: 23
  5. Player 5: 25
  6. Player 6: 25
  7. Player 7: 23

That's all.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!