lunes, 26 de enero de 2015

Monday 26th January

Hello boys! How are you? I'm sure you're fine after the weekend, in the end the weather was not so horrible so I think you could go out to play, right? Maybe you're still a bit tired because of school... Mondays are hard, aren't they?

That is our new topic. Last class we started a new lesson. This is school, and we started revising some vocabulary as pencil, board, school bag, notebook, pencil sharpener, crayon... and some more. Then we completed some listening activities and at the same time we reviewed colours, letters, and numbers. Your reading activities were also well done. And even you behaved very good. so we played with new cards and  listened to this funny song:

I hope you can listen to this song at home, this way next week we can continue singing!!

Now let's talk about your homework. Last class everything was very good, I'm very happy!! So let's see if next day it's so good again. You just have to complete the worksheet I gave you about school, ok? And going on with our Pet's adventures, next day we will know (more) about Spain thanks to Pablo, who is taking the Dragon. Please, do your best and enjoy and have fun!!

To finish your points:

  1. Player 1: 46
  2. Player 2: /
  3. Player 3: 49
  4. Player 4: 51
  5. Player 5: 43
  6. Player 6: 43
  7. Player 7: 43
That's all class.

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!


lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Monday 19th January

Hello class! How are you? I hope fine after just a week of class.

Last Monday we were working with animals to finish the topic. It was very funny to describe lots of animals and you did very well, choosing the most difficult animals to guess!! I'm very happy with your work. We revised the structure 's by listening the song "The Mixd Up Monster". Also we revised the structure of questions: Has it got, feathers?, ... a beak? ... wings? ... a shell?... and so on.

I'm happy with your job because last class we practised lots of things, especially speaking. And even you behaved  right! At least most of thte time...

Also I'm very very pleased with Hector's job/project about the Dragon around the world. It was exactly what I wanted and to be the first, it's perfect. Congratulations! Next week it's Adrian's turn... we will know about China. It sounds great!

And to finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 28
  2. Player 2: 23
  3. Player 3: 26
  4. Player 4: 26
  5. Player 5: 29
  6. Player 6: 22
That's all. Don't forget your homework: you have to complete the worksheet I gave you about dolphins and other questions. Do your best!

Be good, have fun, see you in class!!


lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Monday 12th January

Hello class! First of all Happy New Year! and welcome to the second term of our course. I hope you have enjoyed these weeks of holidays and you're ready to work hard, ok?

Well, this week we have started with a new lesson, although we started talking about animals by the end of the first term now we have introduced more voc related to animal body parts. We practiced describing animals and you did very well using all the new words. Also we revised HAS GOT in order to describe all their parts. I'm very happy with your work.

We listened to some songs too, and we revised more names of animals: farm, jungle, forest, pets... You did a very good job!

I hope you enjoy the song; next day you'll get the lyrics, right?

Remember to complete the worksheet I gave you about Kangaroos, don't forget because it's homework!!

And Hector: You have to complete this little project we presented in class about the Dragon around the world saying interesting things about the country you chose, ok? I'm sure you'll do your best.

To finish here you have your points:

  1. Player 1: 32
  2. Player 2: 26
  3. Player 3: 32
  4. Player 4: 29
  5. Player 5: 34
  6. Player 6: 33
  7. Player 7: 26

That's all kids!

Be good, have fun, see you in class!